I got you. Yes boxes. I'm finding
that moving boxes takes breath and body. I don't have powers to move things
with my mind yet. Actually, I do. I think about moving it and then I pick it
up. There I go, mind over matter. It works.
As you can see, I'm in a playful mood of flipping around words to fit my needs.
These past few weeks were about movement of my breath, my body and yes boxes
that belonged to work, friends, and some of my own. I find that the simplest of
things like moving boxes up, to the right or left and then down has basic
importance such as making decisions of where will it go. Once again it connects
to the breath, the body and an object that is outside of me.
There is an unspoken commentary that
I go through without realizing that I have done so. Examples: Can I lift this
by myself? We got this. Should this box go first? Can this support the weight
of the next box? I can do this. Where are the walls? Is there anything that I
could trip over? Is there another way? Am I willing to readjust the
arrangements after I place it down? There are quick answers that occur when I am
moving boxes. Some answers come at the same time. Multiple answers for sure.
It's amazing how quickly I can seemly make simple decisions.
No matter if the box is big or small
most of these questions and comments come up again unspoken. With each movement
it includes my breath, my body and the box.
There's a Triple B. BBB.
I would like to change the word “Box”
to bold or beautiful.
Breath, Body, and Bold. Breath, Body
and Beautiful. Actually it is Being.
Breath, Body and Being. There I go.
Being fits the most. The Triple B of my moving of boxes experience. Breath,
Body and Being. Snort.
Gosh... I like how that happened.
I can apply this to other areas of my
life too such as cooking, dancing, grocery shopping, writing, communicating,
working, organizing, and well just about anything.
I will admit though while moving
boxes I have a few bruises but it’s done.Next experience! Triple B in action.
Energy created after singing and dancing
around a tree. (January 21, 2016)
A tree dance is a form of gratitude
and reverence performed by dancing and singing to a tree or trees. I set an
intention to connect lovingly with the tree(s). I bow and ask the tree if I can sing a song and dance for it. Sometimes I hear, "yes", in that case, I start to sing and dance.
Sometimes I hear, "no". Truly, it can be. When the answer is no, I ask, "what can I do for you?" Some trees and nature spirits want people to clean up the garbage in the area. It only takes a few minutes and it helps all beings: trees, animals, insects, water, earth, air and even humans. So I will totally cleanup the area. Other trees do not want to have anything to do with people and the answer is "do not bother me." When I hear that type of answer, I immediately say, "thank you for answering" and walk away. I can try another day.
Lesson: Do NOT force your energy on anything or anyone. This is important to remember always. (I did not expect to write that part but it is important to mention.)
Once I finish clearing the area I
state my intention of gratitude and respect to the tree. I wait a few moments
for the song to form and then I dance. Each
tree has its own energy and sense of humour. Yes it has a sense of humour
especially for staying in one place for many years.
For many years, I sang and danced around trees.
But this image is the first time I felt compelled to
draw the energy I co-created with a tree.
(September 2015)
During a tree dance, I allow myself to feel the energies completely. This brings different sensation and images to me as I'm dancing. Emotions of joy or sadness come up to be released. I find that most times, I giggle or laugh once I finish dancing. Some dances are 5 minutes while others can last over 1 hour.
After I finish a tree dance, I take the time to listen for any additional insights that may come up. Most messages are directed towards personal development whereas some messages are about bring more peace to the world. For many years, I would only sing and dance but in September 2015, I felt compelled to draw the energies that I co-created with a tree. I did not realized how important this first drawing was until later.
Why am I sharing this now? Well, it's a matter of process really.
The original image was created in pen and
in my journal on October 14, 2015.
I created this image on December 9, 2015.
I only shared my tree dances with a few people. It was a private and personal experience. However, I felt compelled to continue singing and dancing around trees.
This was created on April 1, 2016.
Some energies required expression and documenting immediately so I drew them in my private journal. A tree dance helps the person as well as the tree. Trees live much longer than most humans and when we listen to the messages we can gain wisdom and insights to the patterns of life.
Drawn directly in my journal (April 16, 2016).
You'll notice that back in 2016, I decided to walk away from my tree dances because it was not what you would say, "normal." But over the months, I felt a push to return to nature and continue to sing and dance. I tried making art with nature instead. Here are two pieces that I created back in August of 2016.
Beginning of August
Then on August 11, 2016, I called my father and we spoke for 4 hours. I shared my desires to teach people and children about nature, fairies, angels, art, music and dancing. My father told me to take a chance and trust myself. "It's time to charge people for your work." As we were talking, I created this art piece.
August 11, 2016
After getting off the phone with my father, I became fascinated by some rain. You can see my reaction to it in this video. Oh how amazing nature can be. You'll notice how my fascination changed to annoyance once I got the message. Snort.
So the process is all about following the messages of your heart, spirit and the beauty of nature. I realized that running away from a tree dance experience is not healthy for me or nature. My guidance continues to lead me to sharing tree dances with others. The image below came to me after meditating on the messages of the previous day. Now is the time to share. It's about a year later than August 2016 but it's time to dance again.
On August 12, 2016 this message and image came to me.
One more piece I want to share with you. This is Merry Bell and she is offering a rose to everyone. She reminds us to be open to the love of spirit and our hearts. "Follow that which makes your heart sing and shine."
Let's dance together. Sending you deep love and gratitude.
There are many times when I'm out in nature and I have an urge to get closer to a particular tree, plant, or flower. One of my five senses are activated as I smell a sweet scent; I heard a soft sound; I see a different colour or object; I feel a tingling sensation on my skin; or I taste a sugary flavour in the air. All of these things guides me to something wonderful. There are even times, when I feel a flutter in my heart that excites my inner child. When I allow my inner child to get closer to an object I feel excited and more inquisitive. As I follow my impulses, I ended up finding some amazing things.
Here are a two examples of my interaction with nature.
I filmed this video back in May of 2015, where I noticed the light green needles on the tree. As I looked that them I felt guided to touch the soft needles. After watching the video, I realized that I sang to the tree unconsciously, which is something that always delights me. In addition, I watched the film a few more times and I noticed that there were 3 different little lights moving quickly away from the needles before I touched them. Oh... I wonder what they can be. Maybe nature spirits?
This past November, I was visiting a friend's home and I noticed some orange and white berries on a plant outside her house. I had an urge to take some pictures but I did not do it at the time. Once I got home I asked my friend to text a photo of the orange and white berries outside front door. At first she had no idea what I was talking about. She only noticed purple berries at the front of her walkway. She lived there for many years and it was the first time she noticed them.
Once she found them, I asked her to post a picture of the berries on my Facebook wall. This is what she wrote: "Berries on my porch that I did not see. What other treasures are there to discover? Thanks Naomi Benoist for bringing them to my attention!"
Although I loved the photo my friend sent me, I had an urge to return to take a few pictures myself. I couldn't get the berries out of my mind. I felt called to them. After a few days, I found myself outside her home again and I took the pictures below. I enjoyed the colours so I've kept them on my cellphone for months. Just recently, I showed these photos to another friend and I noticed a blue coloured orb. HA! Now look at that!
In the first photo there is one light blue orb above the berries. If you look closer you can see another light blue orb hiding behind the stem of one of the berries. The more you look at the photo you might noticed there were blue, green, and white orbs around the plant. HA!
Although this second photo is a bit off focus I decided not to delete it. In this photo there is an arch of little lights over the second set of berries. Of course one could say that the lights are just coming from the sunlight but it's nice to think that they could be fairies dancing in the background.