Friday, December 18, 2015

Gifts and Signs from the Universe

Yesterday morning before turning on the computer, I was thinking about colour and how important it is to my life. When I wear colour it enhances my mood. I find that different colours create different sensations in heart and spirit. Well, unfortunately, I opened my computer and I was not accepting nor expected that something in the media was bothering me. Yes, I am angry with the wars going on in the world. Yet, I am grateful that Canada opened its doors to the Syrian refugees. That is good.

The story that's hitting home for me is this one. 40 year old woman stabbed another woman in the downtown financial district.

Reason: I knew the 40 year old woman back in high school and she was a kind, loving, and gifted young woman. As I read her story which is similar to my own such as in being in the world of finance and not wanting or feeling like it was working for me. Deep grief hit me.  I felt sadness for the woman who did the stabbing and the woman who died from her wounds yesterday.

I called a trusted friend, Anne James (The Personal Growth Centre), who reminded me to come back to my life. She listened to my feelings of personal disappointment for not speaking up about finding our real voices when we are hurting. She mentioned that she posted this and asked this: "How colourful is your life?" 

Facebook posted from The Personal Growth Centre

Bam! That's what I was thinking about in the morning. That's awesome! I shared with Anne that even my Reiki Master Teacher mentioned years ago to add colour to my wardrobe. It started with my underwear and then to my outer clothes.  I felt wonderful, peaceful, and joyful after thinking and remembering these things.  I thanked Anne and I decided to allow myself to step into my own life and joy again. 

My day turned into a magical experience.  Really!

I had a plan to eat at Annapurna, a vegetarian restaurant, with one of my dearest elder friends, Daya.  We try to meet every other week to catch up and enjoy life together.  I decide that I would wear my green long sleeve shirt, a purple sweater, and my special white to dark pink scarf (I dance with this scarf in nature).  Oh how awesome I am to pull those colours off.

I decided to pull three Ascended Masters cards by Doreen Virtue before head out the door.  I picked "Open your heart to love ~ Jesus", "Purification ~ White Tara", and "You are seeing the situation accurately ~ Horus"  

Okay. Thanks for the information.  I snapped a picture and left them on my laptop.  
My reading from the Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

I was suppose to meet Daya at 11:40am and I was early at the station.  I decided to walk up the street.  I felt a call to walk along a different street and spotted a tree leaning over the sidewalk.  "Hello, dear friend." I said as I touched the tree.  I noticed its serial number 11155 and took a pictures.

Not sure why I wanted these pictures but it felt good.

Image result for Casa Collection 11155 Angel Sitting with Head in her Arms - Stone Optic Light, Height 41 cm
Casa Collection 11155
Angel Sitting with Head in her Arms -
Stone Optic Light, Height 41 cm

As I'm writing this blog I typed this "11155 angel numbers" in google.  This is what I found here on the right. 

OH my Goodness!  So Cute!

At the restaurant, Daya and I discussed our regular topics of food, health, and relationships.  I even brought up the news story I mentioned above and then how Anne reminded me about the importance of colour.  At that point, Daya hands over a pink, purple, and cream bag.  I knew she was giving me another amazing gift.   Inside the colourful bag were notebooks, again, all full of colour and life.  There were 3 different soft covered notebooks within the “Botanical notebook collections” 1) bright orange with pink, and greenish blue flowers, 2) coral with orange and blueish green flowers and 3) light green with cream, pink, and orange flowers.  Plus there was a spiraled notebook with a hard-covered picture of a bright cardinal perched on tree with pinkish white flowers surrounded by a backdrop of green. On the inside of the hard-covered notebook there are two birds: one perched on the bottom left and the other on the upper right.

Special gifts from my good friend, Daya

Inside the hard-covered notebook
Spring Cardinals by Bradley Jackson

“Oh my goodness!”  I was filled with appreciation and gratitude.  “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You have no idea of how important it is for me to see two birds right now.” I said as I bowed by head to her in gratitude.

“I was actually thinking of giving you a plate with two birds side by side,” Daya said with a grin.

Medicine Song Oracle Cards

“Wow. I’ll tell you why it is important to me. Yesterday, I had a call with Brenda MacIntyre, Medicine Song Woman and she did a reading for me.  One card jumped out of her deck and the other one she picked.  The picked card was ‘We are re-awakening – East’ yellow affirmation card with the phrase ‘I am alive.’  The picture is of a purple crane de-attaching from a purple cosmic egg.  The bird is ready to soar and be free.  The card that jumped out of the deck was ‘One door opens – West’ blue visualization card with a picture of a woman voicing herself and speaking to a Thunderbird which clears her path as she speaks her truth.”  I explained to Daya as my heart opened more and more as I spoke.

(Here is a link to these amazing cards: )
I'm noticing now that the cards also have matching colour themes of purple, pinks and blue.  Looking back now, I can see the same colours on the bag my friend gave me.  Oh my. This is another magically thing that I didn’t know about until now.)

Throughout our lunch Daya and I laughed and giggled.  There was a moment where Daya had a serious look on her face.  “What? Are you okay?” I questioned her.

“I want to tell you something,” Daya whispered as she put her over her heart. I leaned in to hear her secret. “As I was unboxing the boxes you did for me and I was overjoyed.  I saw the care and love you gave all my precious breakables.  Each time I pulled out an item it was as if I was opening a new present. You placed each item wrapped firmly and safely into the box in different configurations. I am very grateful for all the love and attention you gave them and to me.”

Once more, I bowed my head with appreciation and gratitude.  “You noticed,” as I placed my hands in prayer position between my breasts.  Tears came to both of our eyes.  Daya mirrored me with praying hands and bowed her head.

“Thank you for that. Thank you for you.  You keep forgetting how much love you give to others in all that you do,” she reminded me.  That was an emotionally enriching experience. 

Before leaving the restaurant, Daya connected with a woman while she passed a table.  She ran over to the mini-store picked up something and ran back to other table where the woman was seated.  They seem to be really happy to see each other.  I didn’t want to intrude so I walked over to the mini-store in the corner and picked up a free inspirational card.  “The sincerity of the heart will forever last.” ~ Sri Chinmoy.

(I’ll admit, I didn’t understand what it meant until reading it again today. Oh my goodness.)

After lunch, we took a stroll and Daya mentioned that the woman recognized Daya from her past.  They knew each other over 20 or 30 years ago. The woman makes the angels cards that are on sale in the restaurant.  Wow. That was really cool.  They exchanged phone numbers and will connect very soon.  “How do people recognize me?” Daya asked. 

“It’s your heart. They can feel it.” I smiled at her.

Notice the glasses! Snort!  I get it!  I get it!

As we were walking, I pulled out my cellphone to show Daya photos of my stringed art.  (I didn’t show her the pictures in the restaurant because it is a cellphone free zone and I respect that.) On the street, I shared the story from my blogged from a few days ago. I told Daya I met with Kelly later that week and challenged her to make string art too.  It was a blasted, truly, because I had no idea what Kelly was going to make. 

Daya looked up from the phone and said, “Aren’t you a creative spark?”  She nudged my arm and we continued to walk.

As we walked along our feet took us to a nearby park and we approached a beige bench. On the beige bench there were water droplets.  We both looked up and in the distance on the other side of the park were two benches painted bright blue with white shapes which resembles bubbles or water droplets.  “Let’s go over there” we said in unison.  At that park we noticed how people with dogs were interacting with each other and we chuckled.  “Dog owners always have a way of communicating mainly because they have pets.  Normally people don’t talk with each other,” Daya commented. 

“True, we forget that communication is important in our lives.” I tagged to her comment.  Once more we nodded in agreement.  After a few minutes of chatting she pulled out a flyer to a new market place. “Do you want to go with me?” Daya looked up. I looked at it for a moment, “sure.”

We venture out to a market filled with artisans of different traits: jewelry makers, beauty care products, cookie marker, specialty jams, wood-smiths, and creative photo art.  The list goes on.  I don’t normally buy many items but for some reason I had a push to get homemade specialty chocolate chip cookies, skin cream with sandalwood oil, and apple butter jams.  (Some of these are gifts for people I know.  Hopefully they will not realize it as they read this. Snort!)

Cora's All-Natural Products
When I purchased the skin cream, the woman behind the counter asked me to wait a moment.  “You’re our first customer for today I am giving you a free sample of a luxury dry face wash.” 

“Wow, really?” I don’t purchase specialty products often.  “Thank you very much.  I really appreciate it.”  ‘That’s a bonus,’ I thought to myself, ‘I didn’t expect that.’

The afternoon was passing by and we both needed to get moving.  We stopped into a health food store and she purchased a few items.  We decided to part ways at the subway station.  In the station, I asked Daya to take a few pictures so that I can share my new colourful bag.  “Look, it matches my scarf.”  I smiled ear to ear.  After a few shots with the cellphone she hugged me, “You better send me one,” she said waving goodbye.

“Thanks for today!  I love you!  Get home safely.” we both said the same thing to each other waving farewell.  I walked down the subway stairs and decided to go pick up gifts at a different location. 

Once I arrived at Jane station,  I decided to forget the other gifts and walk towards the Humber River. Along my walk I felt a soft knowing which lead me to a street with a large ascended staircase. Really, I don’t want to walk up there.  Yet, deep inside me I knew I was supposed to go that way.  I did pause a few times along the way to catch my breath.  At the top of the concrete staircase was a street library box.  Oh I love these libraries. 

This is what they look like
but it's not the one I visited.
I looked inside and felt drawn to one book.  I pulled it out, Souls on Fire - Portraits and Legends of Hasidic Master by Elie Wiesel. There was a round circle on cover that said, Winner of the 1996 Nobel Peace Prize.  Cool.  Okay. I didn’t really understand what it meant.  I flipped through the book.  I thought, ‘it doesn’t really give me any insights at the time.” Plus the print was really small.  Nothing jumped out of the book. “I need my glasses to read this.” I said aloud. I was planning on taking the book but I read on the street library box, “Take one. Leave one.”  I didn’t have a book to return to the box.  So I decided to walk away.  I walked down the street and then left along another one.  I felt pulled to make another left at the next street.  I ended up at the bottom of the concrete staircase.  ‘I don’t want to walk up there again. I’ll take a note of the title of the book in my mind.’ I thought to myself.

Cover of the book I found in the street library.
Little did I know the importance of the book until now?! As I am looking at the description on the website, especially as I interpret it as a series of stories that a mystic shares through personal experiences.  Oh my goodness.  Here is the link to the book.  

Gosh, I turned down another gift from the universe when I walked away from the street library box empty handed.  I believe I do that often. Note to self: Accept gifts from the universe.

Well back to my day, I walked away from the staircase and made my way to the Humber River and the bridge to the Old Mill Inn. The sun was kissing the treetops and I snapped a few pictures of the magical river and surrounding area.  

The view from the bridge was amazing. At that moment, I received a text from my boyfriend, Tom, explaining that his plans for the weekend and upcoming week has changed. He will be home around 6. “Okay,” I texted back.

It was only 3:30 pm, the day was passing and the light was fading.  I needed to use the washroom and decided to go to the Old Mill Inn.  I wanted to have tea and rest my feet.  During the day they have what I thought was a café.  Ha… I was informed that they serve High Tea.  “Sure, I’ll have a tea and a piece of cake,” I said to the waitress.  I followed the waitress to the Tea Room. There were groups of 3, 5, 7 and 9 seated around tables.  On the tables were brass or golden plated serving trays with three layers.  ‘Oh, high tea with cucumber sandwiches, pastries, biscuits and chocolate covered strawberries.’  I realized what I was getting myself into.  I was seated in the corner with a nicely decorated table and everything was placed in the right location: a spoon place above the small plate with the knife on the right and then fork on the left.  Also on the table was a pretty pink and cream poinsettia in a green pot.  

This is the type of poinsettia I had on the table.
I touched the petals lovingly and smiled to myself.  On the small plate was a box of Old Mill Centennial Tea.  

I overheard a waitress say to another table as she was handing them their boxes, “This is a gift to you from the hotel because we are celebrating our 100th year anniversary.” Oh sweet.

I looked at the menu without my glasses I said, “I’ll have the Old Mill Centennial Tea (which is Earl Grey with a hint of Jasmine).  But I really don’t know if I can eat all of the food on those plates.” I looked up at my waiter.  He smiled at me, “Don’t worry I’ll only put one of each on yours.” I looked down shyly. 

After the items came to my table, I grinned even more.  Wow, it’s so beautiful.  I didn’t want to take any pictures because I was alone.  I remembered at that moment I had to go to the washroom.  I asked a different waitress where the facilities were and I sneaked out of the tea room do the deed. Once I arrived back at the table, I took my time snacking on all the goodies.   I couldn’t resist taking a picture of the tuxedo dressed strawberry.  As I snapped the shot, I felt a kiss on my face.  I swear that my decreased mother was kissing me.  I started to tear up.  I always wanted to go with my mother when she was alive.  We talked about it over the years but we never made it out.

I texted Daya the picture from the subway and of the strawberry. I told her that I believe my mother was gifting me with all these beautiful things during High Tea.  How I felt her kiss my face like she did when I was a child.  My friend text back, “that is precious.”

I finished my tea and asked for the bill.  “$28.20, Oh my goodness!  I just spent how much on tea and snacks?”  I looked into my wallet and knew I had enough money to cover it, but to tell Tom what I spent. Ouch.  I became angry with myself, ‘what was I thinking?’  I pulled out the cash and realized I still need to leave a tip.  The waiters and waitresses were so good to me.  They were kind and attentive.  They treated me with respect and I swear they knew it was my first time at the Old Mill’s High Tea.  I decided to leave $37 on the table for them.  Off I went with a smile and a little bit of hint of ‘what did I just do?’

Outside it was a bit chilling and I looked at my cellphone.  It’s 4:15 pm.  ‘I can walk home through the woods,’ I thought joyously.  The thoughts of the cost ran through my mind.  I grabbed my cell to call my childhood friend, Leslie.  We had a plan to meet on Monday.  As I was leaving the message to her walking swiftly through the dark woods, I was crying and trying to justify the cost of High Tea.  I explained that I used the money she transferred for payment for a dress she purchased from me.  I also mentioned that felt my mother kiss me.  As I was crying on the phone, I came across a tree near a bench.  I looked closer through the darkness and there was a white feather pushed into the bark of the tree.  “Oh my goodness, there is a sign that everything is as it should be.” I said into the phone before hanging up.
I decided to take pictures of the white feather on the tree.  

I sing to trees.  I dance around trees.  I love trees.  Lately, I’ve been writing, drawing, and posting about trees.  

I even told people about the tree guardians.   I must be doing something right.

A tree guardian
I was hit with a major sense of love and appreciation.  I walked away from the tree along the dark path.  

I drew a pattern of a tree healing and dance I did last spring.

I made it to the open field down by King’s Mill Park.  “What can I do now? How can I show my appreciation for all that happened today?” I said aloud.

I heard, “sing.”  So I sang in the darkness with my arms held out wide.  The sound carried over the field and to the trees.  I spun around and sang to the river.  Again the sound carried across the river to the trees.  I was full of gratitude.  I bowed to the trees and thanked the stars for the gifts for the day.  I finally made it home.

I arrived after 5:30 pm just in time to start dinner before my partner would get in. I opened the door and my son was making chickpeas with garlic and thyme.  It smelt amazing.  I looked down at the boot tray. Oh Tom’s boots were there.  I shouted out to my son, “is it already 6?” 

“Yep. I was hungry so I decided to make something for myself.” He peek his head out of the kitchen.

“That smells amazing,” I answered back.

Tom came out of the bathroom dressed and smiles, “Hey there, I wasn’t sure when you were going to be home.”

“Oh, you got home early.  I though you said 6 pm. It’s only 5:30 pm.” I answered as I leaned into kiss him.

“Yes, I told you I would be home around 5 pm,” he stated giggling to himself, “I just thought you would be home later because you were with your friend.” 

“Oh. I swear it said 6 pm.  I really need to wear glasses more.”  I answered.  Snort!

“I was going to heat up leftovers. Let’s eat I’m hungry.” Tom guided me into the kitchen.

I looked at him with deeply concerned eyes, “I just spent a ridiculous amount of money on High Tea.”  Then I shared the story about my mom and high tea.

He kissed me and laughed.  “Don’t worry about it, honey.”

Throughout the evening, we exchanged more stories of our days.  We laughed at how the universe guides us no matter what we think.  After dinner, I gave my son and Tom the specialty cookies purchased.  The grins on their faces were precious.

After everyone was filled, Tom and I decided to take an evening walk.  Outside as we walked hand and hand, I stopped him.  I looked into his eyes and wholeheartedly thanked him for his love, support, strength, kindness, humour, sweetness and anything that I could think of.  Tears swelled in both of our eyes followed by a tender kiss. We released each other slowly and walked hand and hand to the wooded area.  We chatted more about life, giggled and carried on like two love birds.  It was a sweet day.  I am so grateful that I decided to make it that way. 

Plus, I really need to wear my glasses.  How many more messages do I need from the universe in order to get the message? Snort!  

Here I am wearing my glasses after writing for hours. Yes, I can see better with them.  Snort! 

My son also confirmed as he walked in the door this afternoon, “Thats the mom I recognize. Thank goodness you’re wearing your glasses.”  Snort! Okay, Okay.  I know wear my glasses more.  

Thanks for all the gifts and signs from the universe!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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