We all dream but we don’t always remember. Our subconscious can create amazing images for us to ponder for hours and hours. So, what do you do if you had a dream that you remember when you wake? WRITE it down. There is a story, yes; the images “just don’t make sense.” But that’s the wondrous way of our human mind; I swear we would not listen to a dream that was straight forward. If my dreams told me to do the dishes before bed because tomorrow is going to be BUSY. I would be bored in your dream life. I love challenges, puzzles, hidden messages, and clues. I want to think about everything and be the detective, so why would my dreams be completely clear messages. Dreaming is a time to play, right? So, I want to play and that’s what happens for me. I dreams are often full of colour and peaceful images and others are what you call “nightmares.” I want to share this one glorious dream. I label it this way now but at first it was very disturbing. Here I go.
It was a beautiful sunny day; I was wearing a comfortable pair of shorts and a green t-shirt. I was walking along a street where they were large leafy trees, lovely flower beds, and two story houses that were car lengths apart. I was singing a tune and enjoying the stroll along the paved sidewalk. I didn’t notice the rabbits in the trees. What rabbits in trees? I had to stop and look. There were rabbits in the trees with LONG tails? These were no ordinary rabbits - they had the long ears and their feet were able to walk on the branches of the trees and their tails were as long as squirrel’s tails. They were squirrelly rabbits.
These squirrelly rabbits were scurrying back and forth between the trees and they ran along the wires over the houses. I shook my head and carried on walking down the street. That was different for sure but I want to continue on my quiet way. Yet, I was singing so it wasn’t that quiet. Some of these squirrelly rabbits decided to jump in front of my path, while others would continue to scurry back and forth on the wires between the houses.
Okay, they wanted me to pay attention to them. Alice in wonderland, images... but squirrelly rabbits? As I followed these long tailed rabbits, I noticed that some would run so far ahead of the group that I couldn’t even see them anymore. There were others that were behind me but I had to keep up with the pack. The street also changes as we more forth. The trees grew bigger the leaves were higher, and the houses grew in size. The houses started with two stories, and then grew to three and next four.
I began to run with the squirrelly rabbits and the scenery became more and more lavishing, expansive and elegant. I could see that some long-tails were too tired to keep up and others were continuing to scamper on. I started to leap and jump along the road and spin freely moving as if I was a squirrelly rabbit.
The houses turned into large buildings and I could no longer see them from the street level. I started to fly, and was able to see these little creatures from a bird’s eye view. What a sight. The buildings were not very intimidating as they seems. A few long-tailed rabbits were moving effortlessly as if they were dancing.
All of a sudden the scene changed, the street no longer had paved roads there were only two buildings left in front of my magical group of creatures and the wires stopped in the middle of the air. What are we to do?
At the last building on the street, they were workers on ladders and my squirrelly rabbit friends were trying to get down to the street level. The workers were not impressed by these intruders. Some squirrelly rabbits jumped down and hurried off in to a meeting place. Others carefully ran back to the previous building and worked their way over to the group that was already settled. One squirrelly rabbit was very determined to face an angry worker and tried run past him. As I watched helplessly above the scene, the man pushed it off the ladder and the small creature tumbled to its death. My heart complete dropped into my stomach. OH NO!!! WHY????
I watched the other squirrelly rabbits that made it down just as they past the dead one. They didn’t even blow it kisses or stop to say goodbye. I didn’t know what to do. I focused on the dead long-tailed rabbit. I said my goodbyes. I couldn’t sit there for too long because the others were bouncing and joyfully asking me to join them. HEY, we are still here!!! We are still here!!!
That was my dream. I woke up with great sadness and also great hope. I didn’t know what to do with those images. I wrote it in my journal and I told my closest friends where we discussed it over and over. I have the best buddies in my circle of friends.
What this dream meant to me is I have such a creativity mind. I have ideas that are moving so fast and growing but I don’t focus on any one in particular. All ideas have a spark but they will not make it to the reality that I hope to create. I should not cry over a dead project because there are more waiting to be completed. Some projects have to be started over but they can continue after looking at things from a new perspective. I will always create and I can have a break every now and then. I don’t have to be running a mental marathon every minute of my life. I can stop, revaluate my plans and still become victorious!
Writing out your dream life will help you see your reality. What do your dreams mean to you?
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